Mgr. Stanislava Milovská, PhD.

vedecká pracovníčka

Pracovisko:Banská Bystrica, Ďumbierska 1
Telefón:048 321 3323
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Oblasť výskumu:

  • štúdium minerálov pomocou Ramanovskej mikrospektroskopie
  • mineralógia, sekundárne minerály a procesy
  • rudné ložiská


Vybrané publikácie:

MAJZLAN J., ŠTEVKO M., CHOVAN M., LUPTÁKOVÁ J., MILOVSKÁ S., MILOVSKÝ R., JELEŇ S., POLLOK K., GÖTTLICHER J., SÝKOROVÁ M., KUPKA D., 2018: Mineralogy and geochemistry of the copper-dominated neutral mine drainage at the Cu deposit Ľubietová-Podlipa (Slovakia). Applied Geochemistry 92, 59-70 (2.581 – IF2016). ISSN: 0882-2927

APOPEI, Andrei Ionut – DAMIAN, Gheorghe – BUZGAR, Nicolae – BUZATU,
Andrei – ANDRÁŠ, Peter – MILOVSKÁ, Stanislava. The determination of the Sb/As content in natural tetrahedrite-tennantite and bournonite-seligmannite solid solution series by means of Raman spectrometry. In Mineralogical Magazine, 2017, vol. 81, no. 6, p. 1439-1456. (1.285 – IF2016). (2017 – Current Contents). ISSN 0026-461X.

BILOHUŠČIN, Vladimír – UHER, Pavel – KODĚRA, Peter –  MILOVSKÁ,  Stanislava – MIKUŠ, Tomáš – BAČÍK, Peter. Evolution of borate minerals from contact metamorphic to hydrothermal stages: Ludwigite-group minerals and szaibélyite from the Vysoká – Zlatno skarn, Slovakia. In Mineralogy and Petrology, 2017, vol. 111, no. 4, p. 643-658. (1.236 – IF2016). (2017 – Current Contents). ISSN 0930-0708.

BUZATU, Andrei – DAMIAN, Gheorghe – BUZGAR, Nicolae – ANDRÁŠ, Peter – APOPEI, Andrei Ionut – MAFTEI, Andreea Elena – MILOVSKÁ, Stanislava. Structural key features of bismuth and Sb-As sulfosalts from hydrothermal deposits-micro-Raman spectrometry. In Vibrational Spectroscopy, 2017, vol. 89, p. 49-56.

HURAI, Vratislav – PAQUETTE, Jean-Louis – HURAIOVÁ, Monika – SLOBODNÍK, Marek – HVOŽĎARA, Pavel – SIEGFRIED, Peter – GAJDOŠOVÁ, Michaela – MILOVSKÁ, Stanislava. New insights into the origin of the Evate apatite-iron oxide-carbonate deposit, Northeastern Mozambique, constrained by mineralogy, textures, thermochronometry, and fluid inclusions. In Ore Geology Reviews, 2017, vol. 80, p. 1072-1091.

NAGLIK, Beata – TOBOLA, Tomasz – NATKANIEC-NOWAK, Lucyna – LUPTÁKOVÁ, Jarmila – MILOVSKÁ, Stanislava. Raman spectroscopic and microthermometric studies of authigenic quartz (the Pepper Mts., Central Poland) as an indicator of fluids circulation. In Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2017, vol. 173, p. 960-964.

Uher P., Milovská S., Milovský R., Kodera P., Bačík P., Bilohuščin V., 2015: Kerimasite, {Ca-3}[Zr-2](SiFe23+)O-12 garnet from the Vysoka-Zlatno skarn, Stiavnica stratovolcano, Slovakia. Mineralogical Magazine 79, no. 3, p. 715-733

Kharabish S., Andáš P., Luptáková J., Milovská S., 2014: Raman spectra of oriented and non-oriented Cu hydroxy-phosphate minerals: Libethenite, cornetite, pseudomalachite, reichenbachite and ludjibaite. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 130, p. 152-163.

Apopei A. I., Damian G., Buzgar N., Milovská S., Buzatu A., 2014: New occurrences of hessite, petzite and stützite at Coranda-Hondol open pit (Certej gold-silver deposit, Romania). Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Sciences, vol. 9, no. 2, p. 71-78.

Majzlan J., Lalinská B., Chovan M., Jurkovič L., Milovská S., Göttlicher J. 2007: The formation, structure, and ageing of As-rich hydrous ferric oxide at the abandoned Sb deposit Pezinok (Slovakia), Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 71 (17), pp. 4206-4220

Trtíková S., 2002: Environmental impact of exploitation of pyrite and stibnite in the Malé Karpaty Mountains, Slovakia. In: Deposit and Geoenvironmental Models for Resource Exploitation and Environmental Security. – Netherlands : Kluwer Academic Publishers, p. 461-470.

Trtíková S., Madejová J., Kušnierová M., Chovan M., 1999: Precipitation and chemical composition of iron ochres in the pyrite and stibnite deposits in the Malé Karpaty Mts. Slovak Geological Magazine 5, 3, 179-186.